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40 Years of Hemodialysis

by Stanley Shaldon, M.D., F.R.C.P

In 2001 Stanley Shaldon delivered a lecture outlining the significant accomplishments that led to the development of home dialysis. Now, as we embrace this technology as "new" it is interesting that it actually began in the 1960s. Here is the 7 part series of quicktime lectures to that capture the history of the first practical dialysis machines, the av fistula, and the concept of home dialysis.

This program will run on the PC using Windows Media Player and on a Macintosh using Quicktime Player. These are large files with embedded sound, so it is best to use a fast connection.

To run MPEG-4 (MP4) with Windows Media Player one needs to download this program from Microsoft. Windows users may find the WMV files download and play easier. Macintosh users can download the free WMV player from Microsoft. MP4 (MPEG-4) files can be downloaded as IPOD videos.
Part 1 QuicktimeMPEG-4WMV
Part 2 QuicktimeMPEG-4WMV
Part 3 QuicktimeMPEG-4WMV
Part 4 QuicktimeMPEG-4WMV
Part 5 QuicktimeMPEG-4WMV
Part 6 QuicktimeMPEG-4WMV
Part 7 QuicktimeMPEG-4WMV
The Evolution of Self Dialysis 1963 WMV
The Evolution of Self Dialysis - The AV FistulaWMV
The Evolution of Self Dialysis - Self CannulationWMV
Lancet 1:520-523,1968 Independence in Dialysis

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